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Companion Kit (Instant Book Club)
How to Use this Course (3:15)
Activity workbook (22 pages in full color PDF)
TOPIC 1: Work/Life Balance
Paul Riddy and Work/Life Balance (video and stats) (5:39)
Small group discussion questions on work/life balance
TOPIC 2: Stress and Burnout
Stress is inevitable, suffering is optional (video and stats) (8:46)
Small group discussion questions on stress and burnout
TOPIC 3: Realigning Core Values
Whittling down to your core (video and stats) (5:50)
Small group discussion on core values
TOPIC 4: Making Change
The only constant is change (video and stats) (6:43)
Small group discussion questions about change
TOPIC 5: Living Creatively
Happy little trees (video and stats) (4:50)
Small Group questions about creativity
TOPIC 6: Flow State
Getting in the zone (video and stats) (7:03)
Small Group Discussions about flow state
TOPIC 7: Energy Management
Turning your lights on (video and stats) (5:11)
Small Group Discussions about energy management
Learn more! (All about "Right Brain Immersive Experiences")
Activity workbook (22 pages in full color PDF)
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