Why the Membership Model is the best

DISCLAIMER: Originally, I was going to create two separate courses: Group Visit Rollout and Membership Transition Kit. I soon realized they are intertwined.

  • Membership needs Group visits to provide necessary value.
  • And if you're looking into hosting Group Visits, you may as well upgrade to offer memberships!

Enjoy this detailed roadmap to a more efficient and colorful medical practice!

In the antiquated delivery of healthcare, all recommendations happened within the four walls of an exam room. If a patient had questions or wanted to enhance their learning, they had to search for themselves outside the appointment time.

Often, this lead to asking friends or searching online for answers. And that would result in discontinuing medications or recommendations, trying unsafe options, etc.

Next, the practitioner's inbox would be flooded with questions and messages from these patients, which resulted in unpaid time for the clinician and frustration on both levels.

It's time to build a new delivery of medical care. Designing a Medical Membership will aid both patient and clinician to develop a comprehensive understanding and partnership.

When you have a thriving medical membership for your patients:

  • You'll enhance your patient's knowledge (because you're providing information and value outside the appointment time)
  • Your patients will be respectful of boundaries (because you'll demonstrate them and clearly outline them)
  • Your medical treatments will be more impactful (because you're offering group visit support between office visits)
  • You will feel valued for your time (since income not tied to appointment length or frequency)
  • You'll feel appropriately compensated as you offer several tiers of membership to support more complex and symptomatic patients
  • Your patients will learn to be self-reliant in their healing journey as they receive peer-to-peer support, facilitated by group visits
  • This is easy to scale: as you increase your knowledge and gain more patients, you can increase the cost of membership and also offer lower levels of "passive education" membership for those who want to learn.

This comprehensive course will walk you through all the essential elements of a robust Membership Practice to bring value to you and the patients you serve.


  1. Improved cash flow (consistent deposits into your account)
  2. Decreased administration headache (no more counting visits left within a package!)
  3. Allows flexibility to continue working with patients you enjoy and like
  4. Patients are MORE motivated to do the work because they’re paying monthly
  5. You won’t experience any “ghosting” of patients (no more “lost to follow up”)
  6. Allows easy option to discontinue those patients that aren’t a good fit after your minimum membership contract is fulfilled
  7. Lowers the barrier to entry for patients (no large case fee up front!)

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